Friday, February 20, 2009


The title for this blog has been up to much debate before I left home. I wanted it to be creative, yet not cheesy, avoiding everything like “What’s up from down under!” or “A short walkabout Australia”. So despite all the wonderful suggestions (especially from my mother), the title is Kairos, which was an expression given to our group by our director to inspire our semester. It means a unique moment in time, a term that beautifully describes this semester, and is developed even further with this quote:

“The hour [which] is the God-given moment of destiny not to be shrunk from but seized decisiveness, the floodtide of opportunity and demand in which the unseen waters of the future surge down to the present.” (Oz Guinness)

So without further ado, I invite you, all my friends and family, to join me via this blog, on my own personal Australian Kairos!


  1. i'm excited about this... & i love the name!!!

    thanks for sharing ur blog w/ me!!

  2. Hi Caitlin!
    We're glad that you arrived safely! I look forward to checking out what you're doing! It'll be great to be a part of it all! Take care!
